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████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    生僻词
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:4,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:5,000 ]

Five hundred metres down

and in even the clearest
tropical waters only

the faintest vestige
of the sunlight remains,

so little that our eyes
can't detect it ... but others can.

Survival in the twilight zone

is all about seeing, yet not being seen.

Hatchet fish are masters
of the game of hide and seek.

They have the large, sensitive eyes

needed for seeking prey,
but their bodies are flat.

And their sides are highly silvered.

Head on, they are just visible,

thin though they are,
but as soon as they turn ...

... their mirrored sides
reflect the remnants

of blue light from the surface
and they disappear into the gloom.

Viewed from the side,
whole shoals can hide in this way.

But what about from below?

The tubular eyes of many of the predators

even in this gloom are able
to distinguish their prey,

silhouetted against the scarcely
detectable glimmer of light from above.

Hatchet fish, however,
have a way of confusing any eyes

that might be searching for them
from below.

Their bellies carry rows of
light-producing cells called photophores.

They can use these to exactly match

the changing colour of light
from the surface far above.

This counter shading breaks up
their silhouette,

making them almost invisible from below...

... almost.

But these are no ordinary eyes.

The enormous yellow lenses enable

their owner to distinguish between light

produced by photophores and sunlight.

So, one device for escape is countered by

another equally subtle one for attack in

an evolutionary arms race
that has been waged

for millions of years.

Descend below a thousand metres and

you enter the dark zone.

No sunlight whatsoever penetrates
this deep.

The temperature of the water has dropped

below four degrees Centigrade.

The pressure is more than

a hundred times that at the surface.

Life becomes every more sparse.

lt's a dark, dangerous world.

Relative to body size,
these are the largest teeth in the ocean,

they are so big that their owner
can't even close its mouth.

They belong to the Fang Tooth.

Unlike most deep sea fish this has powerful
muscles and is an aggressive hunter.

With food in such short supply
at this depth,

dark zone predators have to be able to
deal with a meal of almost any size.

Many animals here are dark red,
like this deep sea jelly.

Caught in the lights of the submersible,

it's a spectacular firework
display of colour.

no red light penetrates as deep as this,

so animals with red pigment

appear completely black down here,
perfectly concealed.

Predators here, however, don't just
rely on vision many have tiny eyes.

lnstead, their thin rod-like bodies

are lined with organs sensitive to tiny
movements in the water.

This monster, half a metre across,
is a Hairy Angler.

This is the first time it's been seen.

lt's covered
with hundreds of sensitive antennae,

each capable of detecting the movements

of any prey careless enough to stray too
close to this motionless predator.


penetrates [ˈpenitreits] v. 穿过( penetrate的第三人称单数 ); 刺入; 了解; 渗透 { :5036}

evolutionary [ˌi:vəˈlu:ʃənri] adj. 进化的;发展的;渐进的 {cet6 toefl :5393}

whatsoever [ˌwɒtsəʊ'evə] pron. 无论什么 {cet4 ky :5525}

gloom [glu:m] n. 昏暗;阴暗 {toefl gre :5722}

remnants ['remnənts] n. 残余;残留物(remnant的复数) adj. 残存的 { :6394}

angler [ˈæŋglə(r)] n. 钓鱼;琵琶鱼;钓鱼者;用不正当手段谋取好处的人 n. (Angler)人名;(德、意)昂勒尔 { :6803}

twilight [ˈtwaɪlaɪt] adj. 黎明,黄昏;薄暮;衰退期;朦胧状态 n. 黄昏;薄暮;衰退期;朦胧状态 {cet6 ielts :6896}

careless [ˈkeələs] adj. 粗心的;无忧无虑的;淡漠的 n. (Careless)人名;(英)凯尔利斯 {zk gk cet4 toefl :7681}

silhouette [ˌsɪluˈet] n. 轮廓,剪影 n. (Silhouette)人名;(法)西卢埃特 vt. 使…照出影子来;使…仅仅显出轮廓 { :7932}

silhouetted [ˌsɪlu:ˈetɪd] adj. 显出轮廓的;显示影像的 v. 把…用侧影显示;使现出轮廓(silhouette的过去分词) { :7932}

jelly [ˈdʒeli] n. 果冻;胶状物 vi. 成胶状 vt. 使结冻 n. (Jelly)人名;(英)杰利;(俄)叶利 {cet6 toefl :8007}

lenses [[lenz]] 柔性焦距透镜组 { :8753}

firework [ˈfaɪəwɜ:k] n. 烟火;激烈情绪 {gk cet6 :8853}

pigment [ˈpɪgmənt] n. [物][生化] 色素;颜料 vt. 给…着色 vi. 呈现颜色 {toefl ielts gre :9103}

stray [streɪ] n. 走失的家畜;流浪者 adj. 迷路的;离群的;偶遇的 vi. 流浪;迷路;偏离 n. (Stray)人名;(挪)斯特雷 {cet6 toefl gre :9258}

motionless [ˈməʊʃnləs] adj. 静止的;不运动的 {toefl :9497}

sparse [spɑ:s] adj. 稀疏的;稀少的 {toefl ielts gre :9557}

hairy [ˈheəri] adj. 多毛的;毛状的;长毛的 n. (Hairy)人名;(法)艾里 { :9707}

glimmer [ˈglɪmə(r)] n. 微光;闪光;少许 vi. 闪烁;发微光 {ielts gre :12497}

tubular [ˈtju:bjələ(r)] adj. 管状的 { :12602}

detectable [diˈtektəbl] adj. 可检测的;可发觉的 {toefl :12671}

shoals [ʃəʊlz] n. [地理] 浅滩(shoal的复数形式);[水文] 沙洲 v. 变浅;使驶进浅水区(shoal的第三人称单数) n. (Shoals)人名;(英)肖尔斯 { :12753}

vestige [ˈvestɪdʒ] n. 遗迹;残余;退化的器官 {toefl gre :13119}

fang [fæŋ] n. (犬,狼等的)尖牙;[解剖] 牙根;(毒蛇的)毒牙;尖端 vt. 灌水引动(水泵) n. (Fang)人名;(中)方 (广东话·威妥玛);(瑞典)丰 {gre :14276}

antennae [ænˈteni:] n. [电讯] 天线(等于aerial);[昆] 触须;[植] 蕊喙;直觉 { :16450}

hatchet [ˈhætʃɪt] n. 短柄小斧 vt. 用短柄小斧砍伐;扼杀 {toefl gre :17797}

submersible [səbˈmɜ:səbl] adj. 能潜水的;能沉入水中的 { :20782}

centigrade [ˈsentɪgreɪd] adj. 摄氏的;[仪] 摄氏温度的;百分度的 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl gre :27004}

photophores [ ] n. 【动】(发光动物的)发光器官 [网络] 发光体

degree centigrade [diˈɡri: ˈsentiɡreid] un. 摄氏度数 [网络] 摄氏温度度数;百分度;百分度参考例句

degrees centigrade [ ] un. 摄氏度数 [网络] 温度是摄氏五度;摄氏度的温度;摄氏温度计

evolutionary arms race [ ] [网络] 演化军备竞赛;进化武器竞赛;进化军备竞赛

firework display [ ] [网络] 烟花表演;焰火表演;烟火表演

hatchet fish [ ] n. 星光鱼

red pigment [ ] [网络] 红色颜料;红色素;古代用作染色的颜料

sea jelly [ ] na. 【动】水母 [网络] 海蜇;海哲

silhouette against [ ] vt.使现出轮廓

the gloom [ ] [网络] 阴暗;黑暗

the twilight zone [ ] [网络] 阴阳魔界;暮光领域;迷离境界

tropical waters [ ] [网络] 在热带水;暖水区域

tubular eye [ ] 管状眼

twilight zone [ˈtwailait zəun] na. 【无线】半阴影区 [网络] 阴阳魔界;微明区;新阴阳魔界

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
* 词汇量测试建议用